Suddenly I See

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

September Solvang Trip

Rodger found my camera which has been missing since we moved in September. I have been wanting to find it so bad. I wanted my camera back but I also really wanted the pictures on it from a Solvang trip that we took right before I moved. I hadn't downloaded them yet so I had no copies. But, alas, Rodger located it. Very good news!

In September my Mom, Vickie, and I took advantage of the long Labor Day weekend and drove up to Solvang for two nights. We shopped at the outlets on the way up and for some reason what should have been about a two hour drive turned into about a five hour drive. Things got really excited when about 30 minutes from Solvang we realized we were almost out of gas. The "range" said something like 25 miles. Vickie and my Mom were nervous but I thought we would find a gas station. Nope! Not one single gas station. It was a nerve racking situation. We all decided things were bad when even I was getting panicky. I thought best thing would be to pull off on a road and call "AAA" but Vickie and Mom thought it would be best to keep going. When the range hit zero we were all sweating. But we got off the freeway at the off ramp we needed to get to our hotel and coasted into the gas station. It was a real relief and also good to know that when I think my gas tank is empty it's really not.

We ate at A.J. Spurs that night and settle into the hotel. We played games such as "Have you ever?" and watched the "Extreme Couponers" on TLC.

The next morning we went to breakfast at "The Little Mermaid" and did some shopping around town. I love Solvang. It's such a quaint little town with cute stores, yummy food, and even better desserts.

For dinner that night we ate at an Italian place. I don't think you can ever go wrong with Italian. I had a great pizza!

Monday morning we headed home.

The three of us had such a nice time together. We needed to get away together. It was good for the soul. When I think back to the little weekend trip I get such a warm feeling in my heart. I love those two women so much. This trip was a highlight of 2011 for me.

Can't wait for the next getaway!








( I will have eight of everything please!)

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