Suddenly I See

Monday, February 28, 2011

What I would do for $500

Last week (on my birthday) a crown on the lower right side of my mouth fell out. (With the screw) (not a good sign).

The next day found me at the dentist and what I was hoping wasn't the problem was the problem. The tooth had to be pulled out. The hard decision was whether to be put under or not. I have had one tooth pulled while I was awake and it was terrible. After some tense talks and deliberations I decided that I would stay awake. The only reason being that I would save $500.00. That was what pushed me over the edge. A couple hundred I could have done but $500 was too much. Hello, we are saving for a wedding here!

I was nervous but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I kept thinking of good thoughts and kept waiting for it to hurt. But it never did. The dentist told me when I would hear some unpleasant noises and I would cover my ears. The only thing that made me uneasy was when I opened my eyes at one point and saw a pair of pliers coming my way.

It may not have been painful coming out but that night and the next two days made up for it. The Tylenol with Codeine helps but it comes with a dose of "I really have no idea what's going on around me", which, don't get me wrong, can be fun but not for long and not when it is making you nauseous.

Also, I have the tooth which broke into two pieces if anyone is interested. I can email or text a picture. Just let me know.

P.S. One fun thing about going to the same dentist since you were fourteen (other than financing every one's BMWs) is that they get excited to see you and hear the news that you are engaged. The fun little financial lady who drives me nuts said "oh you can bring your kids here someday" and then yelled throughout the building "oh you will be thirty when you get married!".

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