Suddenly I See

Thursday, August 27, 2009

District of Fun!

Right now I wish I was in D.C.

If I was I would be hanging out with these two

My beautiful sister and Katie A (who get to go to the White House tomorrow). We would laugh, and talk about ULV memories and Liko and maybe go to The Noodle Company.

I would get to see my Eliza and her funny husband and beautiful babies. We would talk and talk and talk and play with the babies and I would let her take me to all the cool D.C. sights again.

And Hannah, funny little Hannah. I think we would talk about cats. And hang out in her new backyard.

D.C. has some great things going on. Or should I say great people?

And just maybe I could meet this guy?

I would feel bad for myself but I leave for Maui next week and that makes me HAPPY!


Eliza said...

district of awesomeness!!

ok, maui sounds pretty awesome too.

come visit...!!

vickie said...

Katie and I are sending our love from the nations capitol. We are having an amazing time and appreciate the shout out. It would be lovely if you were here, and I am sure that Maui will be just as lovely... Oh and nice picture, personal favorite of both of ours.