Anyone who knows me probably knows I am a huge Lucille Ball and "I Love Lucy" fan. I've seen every episode (of course) and have the entire collection on DVD (thanks Mom and Dad).

Lucy and Desi were also in "The Long Long Trailer", another favorite, and Lucy was in "Yours, Mine, and Ours" among other movies. Everything she touched was clever and full of heart.
A couple of good books to check out if you are a fan are "Love Lucy" written by Lucille Ball herself. It's the story of her life and is very interesting. Another one is "I Love Lucy" , it is full of information about the show. I have them both if anyone would like to borrow.
One of my favorite quotes is from Lucille Ball, "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."
And now, because I know everyone was wondering, here is a list of my favorite "I Love Lucy" episodes. I don't love the classic favorites as much as some people (like the "Vitavetavegamen" and the chocolate one) although they are funny. The ones I love most are in red.
Pioneer Women, Season One
Redecorating, Season Two
Lucy Wants New Furniture, Season Two
Ricky and Fred are TV Fans, Season Two
Never Do Business with Friends, Season Two
Redecorating the Mertze's Apartment, Season Three
The Business Manager, Season Four
Ethel's Birthday, Season Four
Ricky's Contract, Season Four
Getting Ready, Season Four
Lucy Learns to Drive, Season Four
California, Here We Come, Season Four
First Stop, Season Four
L.A. at Last, Season Four
The Star Upstairs, Season Four
Lucy Visits Grauman, Season Five
Lucy and John Wayne, Season Five
Ricky Sells the Car, Season Five
The Great Train Robbery, Season Five
Ricky's European Booking, Season Five
The Passports, Season Five
Staten Island Ferry, Season Five
Bon Voyage, Season Five
Second Honeymoon, Season Five
Lucy Gets a Paris Gown, Season Five
Lucy's Bicycle Trip, Season Five
Off to Florida, Season Six
Deep-Sea Fishing, Season Six
Lucy Wants to Move to the Country, Season Six
Lucy Hates to Leave, Season Six
Lucy Misses the Mertzes, Season Six
Lucy Gets Chummy With the Neighbors, Season Six
Lucy Raises Chickens, Season Six
Lucy's Night in Town, Season Six
Housewarming, Season Six
Lucy Raises Tulips, Season Six
*All of the Lucy Dezi Comedy Hours are great as well.
Needless to say I love the show.
A couple of other cool finds from today's research around the internet, Lucy Barbies I especially like these
I had heard of the barbies before but never realized there were so many of them. Also, how amazing would it be to visit this museum. I think I will have to make this happen sometime (Mom, Peggy, Vickie you up for a trip??).
I love this quote by Lucille Ball, it's one of my favorites, "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."

What a great post. You come by your love of Lucy honestly. Starting with Grandma Lottie when the show was first aired, then me and Peggy and now you. Where is the Lucy Museum, I would love to go.
if i had known you were such a huge lucy fan i would have mentioned earlier that my project at the library of congress was working on an "i love lucy" exhibit! i spent so much of that internship watching clips from the show and it was the best internship ever. haha. anyway, the exhibit is traveling to the walt disney concert hall soon (i'm not sure when...) so you should be sure to check it out.
Thanks for the information Hannah! That job sounds amazing. I will keep my eye out!
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