Suddenly I See

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Tuesday

Today I exercised the right and privilege of voting. My parents didn't make us go to church every Sunday but they make sure we know how important voting is. As my dad so eloquently put it the other night, "You guys should be voting, that's what we raised you for." That made me laugh. It's nice to know my parents still believe that considering my sister and I have such differing political views from them.
So I did as I was taught. And I got a sticker. How can you go wrong?

It was exciting and actually a little emotional for me. I shed a little tear after voting. This is the first time I have truly felt passionate about a candidate. I won't be sad if McCain becomes president I will just be really disappointed that Obama won't be president. Does that make sense?

It's an exciting day and I look forward to watching all of the news tonight about the race for president and to see which propositions passed and didn't pass. I wish Tim Russert was still alive to report on this day. I always enjoyed listening to him talk politics.

So I hope you all voted. It makes you feel pretty good plus it gives you the right to complain about the government for the next four years if things don't go the way you like.

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