Suddenly I See

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I turned 37 last month. Which sounds old, even though it's really not and I feel old. My body feels old.

My limbs hurt for like two weeks up until a couple of days ago. This seems to happen every few months or so. This time I decided to go to the doctor. I had blood work done and then more blood work all to find out that nothing is wrong. Which is great news! But my limbs still hurt. At this point I think it may be fibromyalgia or hormone related. I was told I could take a medicine that would help with the pain but I don't really want to.

All of that to say that I have embarked on the journey of a pain journal. As a 37 year old does. (just now I typed 27 and I thought, wow, that sounds so young. Will 37 seem young when I am 47? Probably.)

So I make a list of my pains for each day. Or, like yesterday, no pain! I don't know what good any of this will do but it will be there in writing.

One thing I always learn when I don't feel well is that I should be very grateful when I feel well. And I am! But I guess I just don't think about it as much until I don't feel well.

But health is a gift. And being 37 is a gift.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Girls Weekend- Morro Bay

Mom, Ellie, and I went to Morro Bay this past weekend. It's one of Mom's favorite places and we have been talking about going for awhile so it was nice to be able to make it happen.

We had some very cold weather and some rain but the days were beautiful and everything was very green. We did some shopping and a lot of eating. Saturday we went into Cambria and looked around.
It was a very nice time. It was very special to get away and get to spend the weekend with my mom. Ellie had a great time- except for when she got car sick on the way home and threw up three times. 

Other than that though it was a wonderful little get away.

Monday, February 4, 2019


Here I am- I forgot what I was even blogging about?? And then I saw cute pictures of the Bean and remembered that I was trying to post all the pictures from every month and I was about a year behind.

I think there will be no way for me to keep up and I would like to blog again. So against all the force that my OCD contains I am going to let go of this monthly photos and push forward. Not sure that any one reads this at all but will give it a try any how. And my OCD is forcing me to mention that all my pictures are posted on instagram.

So anyway, all that to say I am trying to blog again and I hope this attempt turns into something. But it is Monday and I am blogging so that feels ambitious.

Saturday and Sunday, lots of rain. Took two great naps. I am the type of person who remembers naps. I still think about a nap I took in the mid-2000s that was like five hours long. Can you imagine? And then there was one epic nap last summer that I still think of often. And Saturday's nap was great! I like to put on my Young Living "Sleepyize" and then just fall asleep. It's really quite lovely.

Napping, am I right?

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

October 2017

Cal Poly Pumpkin Patch

Nir and Mia's wedding

Vacation to Cambria


Preschool Halloween Party


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

September 2017

Dog Beach on Labor Day weekend

Ellie's first Angel's Game