Suddenly I See

Monday, February 4, 2019


Here I am- I forgot what I was even blogging about?? And then I saw cute pictures of the Bean and remembered that I was trying to post all the pictures from every month and I was about a year behind.

I think there will be no way for me to keep up and I would like to blog again. So against all the force that my OCD contains I am going to let go of this monthly photos and push forward. Not sure that any one reads this at all but will give it a try any how. And my OCD is forcing me to mention that all my pictures are posted on instagram.

So anyway, all that to say I am trying to blog again and I hope this attempt turns into something. But it is Monday and I am blogging so that feels ambitious.

Saturday and Sunday, lots of rain. Took two great naps. I am the type of person who remembers naps. I still think about a nap I took in the mid-2000s that was like five hours long. Can you imagine? And then there was one epic nap last summer that I still think of often. And Saturday's nap was great! I like to put on my Young Living "Sleepyize" and then just fall asleep. It's really quite lovely.

Napping, am I right?

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