Suddenly I See

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A day full of sugar makes your teeth fall apart

in the most delightful way....

As previously noted I had a tooth pulled on the bottom right of my mouth. Last week I had a root canal on the other side of my mouth. This lead to quite a few days of not being able to eat much. Even now it's still a bit difficult. I have a temporary on the left side where a bridge will go and then tomorrow I am supposed to get a temporary on the other side. Next week I get the permanent bridge on my left side and then I imagine a couple of weeks later I will get the permanent bridge on the right side. Eating has not been the most pleasurable experience but as of last Saturday I haven't had any teeth pain. So A plus for that.

My point here is that I haven't been eating too much. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I definitely could stand to reduce my caloric intake. I have noticed my pants are a wee bit looser, which is great!!!! I hate buying work pants so I am all about my old ones fitting more comfortably.

Today I ate like crap. I didn't go to lunch because I had to leave work early to go see a root canal specialist to make sure she thought it would be okay to put a bridge on the right side of my mouth (she said that it's fine). In place of lunch all I have eaten today is half a banana, a cupcake, and a snack size McFlurry. (right now Vickie is rolling her eyes). I feel so tired and weak right now that Rodger is going to have to drag me to dinner. I am excited to have my teeth situation taken care of so I can add fruit and veggies to the diet. And just some protein in general. I want to be in better shape and eat healthier and having my teeth in working order will do a lot to accomplish that.

And no need for anyone to point out that I probably have so many dental issues due to the fact that I make a meal out of cupcakes and ice cream. I know. But it's difficult, my whole mouth is full of sweet tooth's. And a lot of them really like Coke and Dr. Pepper. We are working on it.

Have you tried the Sweet Potato Bisque from Trader Joe's? So yummy! It's been very good to me these last couple of weeks. You should really try it, especially with a dash of pepper!

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