Suddenly I See

Friday, January 16, 2009

If you are me

then you wake up this morning thinking it is Saturday, realize it is Friday, swallow that bitter pill, and drag yourself out of bed. Then you get ready for work, putting on pretty much the same outfit you have worn all week, and head out. On the way to work you curse being a woman because of that event that happens every month, that on this paticular morning is causing horrible cramps and wild emotions. Then you call your boyfriend and have absolutely nothing positive or nice to say to him probably making him curse the moment he answered the phone. Then because you aren't a very good driver you hit a curb while trying to get into the left hand turn lane, this makes you so aggravated you almost start crying. Why did that curb have to be there? Then your boyfriend says something about your curbs, tires, and your all around driving skills and you bite his head off. Next your boyfriend has the nerve to say you are crabby. How dare he? Then after he musters the courage to ask a few more questions and you really snap at him. You just can't get past the curb situation. How could this curb make you more upset then you have been in months? Your emotions/hormones have gotten the best of you. Your boyfriend has had it, he pretty much hangs up on you. You then think Fridays are not supposed to start of this way, maybe Mondays, but not Fridays. Then you drag yourself into work, and think you are absolutely going to be nice to no one this morning. You are always nice, you deserve one day where you can be in a bad mood. You start to feel bad about your boyfriend's feeling but brush that off because you convince yourself he is picking on you.

The day starts and you feel righteous in your conviction that today everyone is out to get you and then you read Nie's blog, (,the one she is writing on for the first time in months because something really bad happened to her and her husband. You know this woman is nothing short of amazing and her life is nothing short of a miracle. And then you feel like the biggest, most ungrateful jerk that ever lived. You know you have nothing to complain about, your cramps are nothing, in fact you should feel grateful because it means one day you will get to have children. You can't believe what a negative person you are being. You want to find your boyfriend and apologize for ruining his morning. You realize that you need to think of others before you decide to be a dreadful human being. You realize that you need to put things in perspective a little more often. If a woman who lost months of her life has nothing negative to say you certainly should not complain about having a bad morning. You should wake up every morning and go to sleep every night knowing that you have been blessed beyond measure. If you are me you learned a valuable lesson this morning.


Pam said...

Oh, Katie.............

Jenn said...

Very deep Katie. A lesson we all need every now and then.

Eliza said...

We all have our own trials! Just because it's not a plane crash or a severe burn, a trial is still hard. But it is nice to put things into perspective once in a while--not necessarily that it could be "so much worse," but that it is what it is.